
Şolem Aleýhemden bir damja

Durmuş akylly üçin arzuw (düýş), akmak üçin oýun, baý üçin gülki, garyp üçin betbagtlykdyr.

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.

Her neneňsi erbet zatlar bolsa-da, sen ýaşamagy dowam etdirmeli, hatda ol seni öldürse-de.

No matter how bad things get, you’ve got to go on living, even if it kills you.

Siz munuň nähilidigini görýäňiz, eziz dostlar. Hemmäň göwnünden turup bolmaýar. Hatda muňa synanmagam manysyz, sebäbi sen näçe köp asudalykçy bolsaň, şonça-da asuda zat azalýar.

You see how it is, my dear friends. There’s no pleasing everyone. It’s hopeless to even try, and the more you play the peacemaker, the less peaceful things become.

Sallah öz işleýän ýerine her gün irden başga-başga taraplardan gelýän adamdyr.

A bachelor is a man who comes to work each morning from a different direction.

Haçanda ýürek püre-pür bolanda, ol gözlerden çogup çykýar.

When the heart is full it runs out of the eyes.

Rediskanyň içindäki gurçuk şondan süýji zat bardyr öýtmeýär.

The worm in the radish doesn’t think there is anything sweeter.

Gybat tebigatyň telefonydyr.

Gossip is nature’s telephone.

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