Iňlis Nakyllary

He that fears you present will hate you absent.
Barlygyňda senden gorkýan ýoklygyňda seni ýigrener.

Misfortune makes foes of friends.
Betbagtlyk dostlardan duşman ýasar.

What is worse than ill luck?
Şowsuzlykdan ýaman näme bar?

Misfortunes find their way even on the darkest night.
Bela-beterler tüm garaňky gije-de öz ýoluny tapar.

Misfortune arrives on horseback but departs on foot.
Betbaglyk atly gelip, pyýada gaýdar.

Misfortune never come singly.
Bela hiç wagt ýeke gelmez.

Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.
Ýyldyrym hiç haçan bir ýerde iki gezek çakmaz.

Good counsel has no price.
Gowy maslahatyň bahasy ýok.

If the counsel be good, no matter who gave it.
Eger berilýän maslahat gowy bolsa, ony kimiň bereniniň parhy ýok.

A fool may give a wise man counsel.
Akmagam akylla maslahat berip biler.

Advice whispered is worthless.
Pyşyrdalyp berilýän maslahatda derek bolmaz.

It is as hard to follow good advice as to give it.
Gowy maslahata eýermegem ony bermek ýaly kyn.

Don’t teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
Eneňe ýumurtga içmäni öwretme.

Nothing is given so freely as advice.
Maslahat ýaly mugt berilýän zat ýokdur.

Better sit still than rise and fall.
Ýokaryk galkyp ýykylanyňdan ümsüm oturanyň gowy.

Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.
Ýolbarsyň guýrugy bolandan itiň kellesi bolan ýagşy.

Seek that which may be found.
Tapyljak zady gözle.

Better ride on an ass that carries me than a horse that throws me.
Pylçap urýan atdan barjak ýeriňe eltýän eşege münen ýagşy.

Short folk are soon angry.
Keltäniň gahary tiz geler.

Anger dies quickly with a good man.
Ýagşy adamyň gahary tiz ýatar.

Fear of death is worse than death itself.
Ölümden gorkmak ölümiň özünden erbetdir.

Don’t sell the skin till you have caught the bear.
Awlamadyk aýyň derisini satma.

Never spend your money before you have it.
Gazanyp eliňe almadyk puluňy sowma.

Don’t eat the calf in the caw’s belly.
Sygryň garnyndaky göläni iýme.

He laughs best who laughs last.
Soň gülen gowy güler.

He who laughs last, laughs longest.
Soň gülen uzak güler.

Appearences are deceptive.
Daş görnüşler aldagyç bolar.

Things are not always what they seem.
Zatlar hemişe görnüşi ýaly bolmaýar.

All that glitters is not gold.
Ýylpyldaýan hemme zat altyn däldir.

It is not the beard that makes the philopher.
Akyldary akyldar edýän sakgal däldir.

Poison is poison though it comes in a golden cup.
Altyn käse-de gelse-de, zäher zäher bolar.

Blue are the faraway hills.
Uzakdaky depeler gök görner.

Never judge from appearances.
Hiç wagt daşdan garap nyrh kesme.

All clouds bring not rain.
Hemme bulut ýagyş getirenok.

You can’t tell a book by its cover.
Kitaba jildine garap baha berme.

All are not thives that dogs bark at.
Itleriň hemme üýrýäni ogry däldir.

The filth under the white snow the sun discovers.
Gün ak garyň aşagyndaky hapanyň üstüni açar.

Like question, like answer.
Sorag nähili bolsa jogabam şoň ýaly bolar.

If you wish to know a man, give him authority,
Adamy tanajak bolsaň, oňa wezipe (ygtyýar) ber.

He that does ill, hates the light.
Erbetlik edýän ýagtylygy ýigrener.

He that has done ill once, will do it again.
Bir gezek erbetlik eden ýene-de eder.

They that saw the wind shall reap the whirlwind.
Tüweleý eken garaýel orar.

Every sin brings its punishment with it.
Her günä öz jezasyny ýany bilen alyp geler.

Fear nothing but sin.
Günäden başga hiç zatdan gorkma.

The love of the wicked is more dangerous than their hatred.
Azgynlaryň söýgüsi ýigrenjinden has howpludyr.

Believe nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see.
Eşiden zadyň hiç birine ynanma, görenleriň bolsa diňe ýarsyna ynan.

Believe not tales from an enemy’s tongue.
Duşman dilinden çykan söze ynanma.

The more one knows, the less one believes.
Adam köp bildikçe ynanýan zady azalar.

He that knows nothing, doubts nothing.
Hiç zat bilmeýän hiç zada şübhelenmez.

He that nothing questions, nothing learns.
Hiç zat soramaýan hiç zat öwrenmez.

Better buy than borrow.
Karz alandan satyn alan ýagşy.

Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
Ne kars beren, ne-de kars alan bol.

A man in debt is caught in a net.
Bergili adam tora düşen bendedir.

Creditors have better memories than debtors.
Algylylaryň ýady bergilileriňkä garanda gowurakdyr.

Unpaid debts are unforgiven sins.
Berilmedik bergiler ötülmedik günälerdir.

Dogs bark as they are bred.
Itler öwredilşi ýaly üýrer.

Fools build houses, and wise men buy them.
Akmaklar jaý salar, akyllylar bolsa ony satyn alar.

There is nothing permanent except change.
Özgerişden başga baky zat ýokdur.

You can’t put new wine into old bottles.
Täze çakyry köne çüýşelere guýup bilmersiň. (Injilde “Täze çakyry köne tuluma guýma” şekilinde gelýär. –Ý.A.)

If an ass goes a-traveling, he will not come home a horse.
Syýahata giden eşek öýe at bolup dolanmaz.

Cut of a dog’s tail and he will be a dog still.
Guýrugyny kesseňem it itligine galar.

You cannot make a crab walk stright.
Leňňeji göni ýöredip bilmersiň.

He that has no children knows not what is love.
Perzentsiz adam söýginiň nämedigini bilmez.

A son is a son till gets a wife, but a daughter is a daughter all the days of her life.
Ogluň öýlenýänçe ogul bolar, ýöne gyz zürýat bütin ömrüne gyzyň bolup galar.

A little child weighs on your knee, a big one on your heart.
Çaga kiçijikkä dyzyňa agram berer, ulalansoň ýüregiňe.

When children stand quiet, they have done some ill.
Çagalar ümsüm bolsa, bir garagolluk eden bomaly.

You cannot serve God and Mammon.
Hem hudaýa, hem Mammona (mal-dünýä) gulluk edip bilmersiň.

He praises who wishes to sell.
Satmak isleýän öwer.

He that blames would buy.
Ýamanlaýan satyn alar.

The buyer needs a hundred eyes, the seller but one.
Alyja ýüz göz gerek, satyja bir göz bes.

There are more foolish buyers than foolish sellers.
Akmak satyjydan akmak alyjy has kän.

Buy in the cheapest market and sell in the dearest.
Arzan bazarda alyp, gymmat bazarda sat.

He will never have a good thing cheap that is afraid to ask the price.
Nyrh soramadan gorkýan hiç wagt gowy zady arzan alyp bilmez.

Better be alone than in bad company.
Ýaman bilen ýoldaş bolandan ýeke gal.

Better be beaten than be in bad company.
Ýaman bilen ülpet bolandan urlup-ýenjilen ýagşy.

A man is known by his friends.
Adam dostlary bilen tanalar.

As a man is, so is his company.
Adam nähili bolsa, onuň dosty, ýoldaşy hem şo hili bolar.

Men love to hear well of themselves.
Adam ogly öwülenni gowy görer.

Every bird loves to hear himself sing.
Her guş öz owazyna aşykdyr.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Rimde bolsaň, rimliler ýaly bol.

Piss not against the wind.
Ýele garşy buşukma.

Say as men say, but think to yourself.
Illeriň aýdýanyny aýt, ýöne özüňçe pikirlen.

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