Henrik Ibseniň pähimleri

“A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm.”

“Jemgyýet bir gämi ýalydyr; onda her kim çarhy aýlamaga taýynlykly bolmalydyr.”


“A forest bird never wants a cage.”

“Tokaý guşy hiç wagt kapasa islemez.”


“A minority may be right, and a majority is always wrong.”

“Azlyk mamla bolup biler, emma köplük hemişe bimamladyr.”


“A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.”

“Müň söz bir sözüň galdyran çuňňur täsirini galdyryp bilmez.”


“Do not use that foreign word “ideals.” We have that excellent native word “lies.””

“Ideallar” diýen daşary ýurt sözüni ulanma. Oňa derek biziň gül ýaly “ýalanlar” sözümiz bar.”


“It is inexcusable for scientists to torture animals; let them make their experiments on journalists and politicians.”

“Alymlaryň haýwanlary gynamagy bagyşlap bolmajak zat; goý olar öz synaglaryny žurnalistlerde hem syýasatçylarda geçirsinler.”


“Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and truth.”

“Azatlyk we hakykat üçin söweşmäge gideňde hiç iň gowy balagyňy geýiji bolma.”


“The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom - these are the pillars of society.”

“Hakykat ruhy bilen azatlyk ruhy jemgyýetiň sütünleridir.”


“The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone.”

“Dünýädäki iň güýçli adam ýeke özi durýan adamdyr.”


“The worst enemy of truth and freedom in our society is the compact majority. Yes, the damned, compact, liberal majority.”

“Biziň jemgyýetimizde hakykatyň we azatlygyň iň ganym duşmany aglaba köplükdir. Hawa, şol näletli, aglaba, liberal köplükdir.”


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