Hadith, the words of the Prophet
Hadys, Pygamberiň sözleri
Hormatly okyjy, Türkmenistan garaşsyzlyga çykandan soň sowet döwründe çap edilmedik dini kitaplar hem türkmen dilinde çap edilip başlandy. Elbetde, Türkmenistanda terjimeçilik sungatynyň öz ýeten belentlikleri bilen bir hatarda kemçilikleri hem bar. Aýdaly, sowet döwründe rusçadan türkmençä terjime etmekde uly tejribe toplandy. Ýöne arapçadan terjime etmekde beýle uly tejribe toplanmady. Muňa garamazdan, garaşsyzlyk ýyllarynda Gurhan arapçadan türkmençä geçirildi. Muhammet pygamberiň hadyslaryny özbekçeden we beýleki dillerden türkmençä geçirmek synanyşyklary edildi. Oraza aýy mynasybetli biz şol synanyşyklaryň üstüni iňlisçeden türkmençä geçirilen hadyslar bilen ýetirmekçi bolýarys.
Would you have me tell you about actions that are better than fasting, prayer, and charity? Bring goodness and high principles between people.
Meniň saňa oraza tutmakdan, namaz okamakdan we haýyr-sahawatlylykdan gowy näme bardygyny aýtmagymy isleýäňmi? Adamlaryň arasyna gowulyk hem belent ynançlary getir.
When God desires goodness for a human being, he will discover a voice of wisdom within his own being that shall lead him to the road of goodness.
Hudaý adama ýagşylyk islände onuň öz içinden oňatlyga tarap alyp gitjek paýhasyň sesini gözläp tapýar.
Wish for others whatever you wish for yourself.
Özüňe näme arzuw edýän bolsaň, özgelere-de şony isle.
If your words are truthful, if you are good-tempered, if you are moderate in taking food, and if you are truthworthy, then you are rich and should not regret the posessions that you may not have. These four qualities are enough possessions and wealth for a wise person.
Eger-de dogry gepli, ahlakly, nahar başynda salyhatly we ynamdar adam bolsaň, sen baýsyň we özüňde ýok mal-dünýe üçin gynanmaly dälsiň. Şu dört sypat akylly adam üçin eterlik mal-dünýe hem baýlykdyr.
Have pity three groups of people: a dear person who has lost his loved ones, a rich person who has lost his wealth, and a learned one who is trapped among the ignorant.
Adamlaryň üç toparyna -- öz ezizlerini ýitiren sylagly adama, mal-dünýäsini ýitiren baýa, nadanlaryň arasynda galan bilimli kişä haýpyň gelsin.
Have mercy on people so you may receive mercy; forgive people so you may be forgiven.
Adamlara rehim et, şonda seniň özüňe-de rehim edilmegi mümkin; adamlary bagyşla, şonda seniň özüňi-de bagyşlamaklary mümkin.
I do not worry about the things that you do not know, but I am cautious in appraising how you apply what you do know.
Men seniň bilmeýän zatlaryň hakynda alada etmeýärin, ýöne men seniň bilýän zatlaryň babatdaky hereketiňe baha bermeli bolamda seresapdyryn.
Avoid three qualities: jealousy, greed, and arrogance.
Üç gylykdan – göriplikden, açgözlükden we gedemlikden gaça dur.
If you want to live more freely, borrow less.
Eger sen has erkin ýaşamak isleseň, karzy azrak al.
The most ignorant among you is the one who does not learn from the changes in the world.
Siziň araňyzdaky iň nadan kişi dünýädäki özgerişlerden sapak almaýanyňyzdyr.
The richest among you is the one who is not entrapped by greed.
Siziň (araňyzdaky) iň baýyňyz açgözlügiň gapanyna düşmedigiňizdir.
There is one organ in the body that, if it is righteous, ensures that the whole system will be righteous; and if it is corrupt, the whole body will become corrupt. This organ is heart.
Bedende bir organ bardyr, eger şol düzüw bolsa, bütin bedeniň dürs bolmagyny üpjün eder, eger-de ol bozuk bolsa, onda bütin göwre bozular. Ol organ ýürekdir.
The strongest among you is the one who controls his anger.
Siziň araňyzda iň güýçliňiz gaharyna erk edip bilýäniňizdir.
Jealous destroys good acts just as fire burns wood; charity consumes sin the same way that water quenches fire.
Göriplik gowy işleri edil oduň agajy ýakyşy ýaly ýok edýär, sahawatlylyk günäni edil suwuň ýangyny öçürişi ýaly öçürýär.
God despises the tyrannical wealthy, the ignorant elderly, and the selfish poor.
Hudaý zalym baýy, bisowat garryny hem diňe özüni bilýän garyby gowy görmeýär (ýigrenýär).
Follow truthfulness even if you think it may harm you, for truthfulness never harms but instead saves. Do not lie even if you think it will protect you. Lying never protects, it only destroys.
Hatda özüňe zyýan bolar öýtseňem dogruçyllyga eýer, sebäbi dogruçyllyk hiç wagt zyýan etmez, gaýta aman saklar. Özüňi gorar öýdübem ýalan sözleme. Ýalançylyk hiç wagt goramaýar, ol diňe ýok edýär.
Protect and honor the earth, for the earth is like your mother.
Ýeri gora hem hormatla, sebäbi ol seniň eneň ýalydyr (üçin ene ornundadyr).
Value the worth of five things before they are replaced by other five conditions: value your youthfulness before old age arrives, value health before sickness strikes, value your wealth before you become needy, value peacefulness before hardship comes, and value life before death arrives.
Başga bäş ýagdaý bilen ýerini çalyşmazyndan öň bäş zadyň gymmatyny bil: garrylyk gelmezinden öň öz ýaşlygyň gadyryny bil, kesel bürmezden öň saglygyň gadyryny bil, garyp düşmezden öň baýlygyň gadyryny bil, mahrumçylyk gelmezden öz rahatlygyň gymmatyny bil, ölüm gelmezden diriligiň gadyryny bil.
Generations before you were destroyed because they declined to punish the powerful thieves yet were relentless in punishing the small pickpockets.
Senden öňki nesiller uly ogrulara jeza bermekden ýüz öwrüp, ownuk ogrulara jeza bermekde rehimsiz bolanlary üçin ýok edildi.
The cure of ignorance is to ask and learn.
Bisowatlygyň emi soramak hem öwrenmekdir.
Avoid noise, excessive talking, too many questions, too many answers, and wasting your wealth.
Gykylyk-galmagaldan, köp gürlemekden, aşa köp sorag bermekden, aşa köp jogapdan hem öz baýlygyňy ýitirmekden gaça dur.
Avoid stubbornness, for it begins in ignorance and ends in regret.
Keçjallykdan gaça dur, sebäbi nadanlyk şondan gaýdýar we ökünç bilen gutarýar.
Be kind to people whether they deserve your kindness or not. If your kindness reach the deserving, good for you; if your kindness reaches the undeserving, take joy in you compassion.
Seniň rehimdarlygyňa degse-degmese-de adamlara rehimli bol. Eger seniň rehimdarlygyň mynasyp adama ýetse, bu seniň üçin gowy; eger seniň rehimdarlygyň nämynasyp adama ýetse, öz hoşniýetliligiňe guwan.
Moderate spending is half the earning; making friends with people is half the wisdom; and asking good questions is half the knowing.
Aram sowmak gazanjyň ýarsy; adamlar bilen dostlaşmak parasatlylygyň ýarsy, gowy sorag bermek bolsa, bilimiň ýarsy.
Trust in God, but tie your camel’s leg.
Hudaýa ynan, ýöne düýäň aýagyny duşakla.
Envy consumes good deeds as fire consumes wood.
Göriplik gowy işleri edil oduň oduny ýuwduşy ýaly ýalmap-ýuwudýar.
Happy are those whose own faults preoccupy them too much to think of the faults of others.
Özgeleriň kemi barada pikir etmän, öz ýalňyşlyklaryny düzetmek bilen gümra bolýan adam bagtlydyr.
Heaven lies under the feet of mothers.
Jennet eneleriň aýagynyň astynda ýatandyr.
The person who repents is like one who has never sinned.
Toba eden kişi edil hiç wagt günä etmedik adam ýalydyr.
Iňlisçeden türkmençä geçiren Baýramsoltan Annagurban.