
William Faulknerden bir damja

Diňe öz döwürdeşleriňden ýa geçenleriňden gowy boljak bolup azara galma. Özüňden gowy bolmaga çalyş.
Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.

Dogruçyllyk, hakykat we duýgudaşlyk üçin, adalatsyzlygyň, ýalançylygyň we açgözlügiň garşysyna sesiňi gataltmakdan hiç wagt gorkma. Eger bütin dünýädäki adamlar şeýtsedi, bu dünýäni özgerderdi...

Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth. ―

Eger Hudaý bar bolsa, ol nämä ýaraýar?
If there is a God what the hell is He for?

Akmagy akmak edýän zat onuň öz gowy maslahatyny hem alyp bilmezligidir.
What makes a fool is an inability to take even his own good advice.

Şahyrlar faktlar babatda hemişe diýen ýaly bimamla. Sebäbi olar faktlar bilen o diýen gyzyklanmaýarlar, diňe hakykat bilen gyzyklanýarlar.
Poets are almost always wrong about facts. That’s because they are not really interested in facts: only in truth.

Gowy ýazyjyny hiç zat mynjyratmaz. Gowy ýazyjynyň hňtdesinden geljek ýeke-täk zat ölümdir. Gowularyň ne rowaçlyga, ne-de baýlyga kowalaşmaga wagty bolýar.
Nothing can destroy the good writer. The only thing that can alter the good writer is death. Good ones don’t have time to bother with success or getting rich.

Hiç wagt hiç bir söweş ýeňiş getirmeýär... ýeňiş pelsepeçileriň we akmaklaryň illýuziýasy.
No battle is ever won ... victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools.

Adam öz betbagtçylyklarynyň jemidir.
A man is the sum of his misfortunes.

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