Erkek we aýal meselesi
1.I will treat all women as if they were my own female relatives. This is my vow. - Native American Elders
(Men aýallaryň ählisine hemişe öz naçar garyndaşym ýaly çemeleşerin. Şu meniň ähtim.)
2.Treat every woman from the tiniest child to the oldest one with respect at all times. Always treat a woman with honor and consideration.
(Kiçijik çagadan garryja enä çenli ähli naçara hemişe hormat-sylagly bol. Aýallara hemişe hormatly we oýlanyşykly çemeleş.)
3.The Old Ones say the Native American women will lead the healing among the tribes. Inside them are the powers of love and strength given by the Moon and the Earth. When everyone else gives up, it is the women who sings the songs of strength. She is the backbone of the people. So, to our women we say, sing your songs of strength; pray for your special powers; keep our people strong; be respectful, gentle, and modest. -Village Wise Man, Lakota
(Gadymkylar aýdan, doga amerikan aýallary tireler arasynda sagalyşyň başyny çekerler. Olaryň içinde söýginiň we berdaşlylygyň Aý hem Ýer tarapyndan berlen güýçleri bardyr. Haçanda hemmeler ýan berende, ýanbermezlik aýdymyny aýdýan şol aýallardyr. Aýal halkyň biloňurgasydyr. Onso biz öz aýllarymyza öz ýanbermezlik aýdymyňyzy aýdyň; öz ýörtite doga-dilegleriňizi ediň; biziň hazlkymyzy ýanbermez edip saklaň; hormatly, salyhatly, kiçigöwün bol diýýäris.)
4.The honor of the people lies in the moccasin tracks of the woman.
(Halk namysy aýallaryň mokkasin (aýakgap) yzlarynyň içinde ýatandyr.)
5. "A people is not defeated until the hearts of its women are on the ground."– Cheyenne saying
("Halk aýallarynyň ýürekleri guma garylýança ýeňilýän däldir.")
6 "Always do what your mother asks!"
("Hemişe ejeň sargydyny bitir.")
7.The Elders say the men should look at women in a sacred way. The men should never put women down or shame them in any way. When we have problems, we should seek their counsel. We should share with them openly. A woman has intuitive thought. She has access to another system of knowledge that few men develop. She can help us understand. We must treat her in a good way.
(Gadymkylar aýdan, erkekler aýallara mukaddeslik hökmünde garamaly. Erkekler aýllary hiç mahal kiçeltmeli ýa hiç bir şekilde utandyrmaly däl. Haçanda biz kyn ýagdaýa düşemizde, olara geňeş salmaly. Biz olar bilen açyk pikir alyşmaly. Aýalyň intuitiw (inçeden duýgur) düşünjesi bar. Onda bilim-düşünjäniň juda az erkege ýetdirýän başga bir sistemasyna elýeterlilik bar. Ol bize düşünmäge kömek edip bilýär. Biz oňa sylagly bolmaly.)
9. A man who looks first to a woman’s outer beauty will never know her beauty divine, for there is dust upon his eyes and he is blind. But a man who sees in a woman the spirit of the Great One and sees her beauty first in spirit and truth, that man will know "Divinity" in that woman. - White Buffalo Calf Woman
(Ilki aýalyň daşky gözelligine seredýän erkek hiç wagt onuň içki gözelligini görmez, sebäbi onuň gözüni tozan gapandyr we ol kördür. Emma aýalda Beýik ynsan ruhuny görýän erkek ilki onuň ruhy gözelligini hem hakykaty saýgarar, hut şol erkegem şol aýaldaky "Päkizeligi" ("Ylahylygy") biler.)
10.All women in the world are like the different colored flowers of one meadow. All are beautiful. As children of the Creator, giver of life and source of all human life they must all be respected.
(Dünýädäki aýal-gyzlaryň ählisi bir çemenligiň dürli reňkli güllerine çalym edýär. Olaryň ählisi owadan. Ýaradanyň, ähli ynsan ömrüne jan we gözbaş berijiniň çagalary hökmünde, olaryň hemmesine hormat goýulmaly.)
11.The hurt of one woman is the hurt of all women, the honor of one woman is the honor of all women. Show honor and esteem for all women! Consider and treat them with deference or courtesy.
(Bir aýaly ynjytmak ähli aýaly ynjytmakdyr, bir aýaly hormatlamak aýllaryň ählisini hormatlamakdyr. Aýallaryň ählisine hormat-sylag görkez! Olara oýlanyşykly we mylakatly bol.