
Marcel Proustdan bir damja

Like many intellectuals, he was incapable of saying a simple thing in a simple way.
Aglaba intellektuallar ýaly, ol ýönekeý bir zady sadaja bir görnüşde aýdyp bilmeýärdi.

Time passes, and little by little everything that we have spoken in falsehood becomes true.
Wagt geçýär we biziň galplykda gürrüňini eden her bir zadymyz ýuwaş-ýuwaşdan çyna öwrülýär.

As long as men are free to ask what they must, free to say what they think, free to think what they will, freedom can never be lost and science can never regress.
Adamlar soramaly zadyny soramakda, eden pikirini aýtmakda, islän pikirini etmekde näçe uzak erkin bolsalar, azatlyk şonça uzak ýitirilmez we ylym hiç wagt yza tesmez.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
Açyşyň ýeke-täk ýoly täze ýerleri gözlemekde däl, eýsem täze göz bilen seretmekde.

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
Geliň bizi hoşwagt edýän adamlardan minnetdar bolalyň, olar biziň kalbymyzy gülledýän ajaýyp bagbanlardyr.

Three-quarters of the sickness of intelligent people come from their intelligence. They need at least doctor who can understand this sickness.
Akylly adamlaryň hassalygynyň dörtden üçüsi olaryň akyl-paýhasyndan gelýär. Olara azyndan şol hassalyga düşünýän lukman gerek.

We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.
Biz parasatlylygy peşgeş almaýarys; biz ony hiç kimiň ýany bilen äkidip bilmejek ýa aýap goýmajak syýhatyndan tapmaly.

The only paradise is paradise lost.
Ýeke-täk jennet ýitirilen jennetdir.

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